Well, It's midnight. I'm at the office of job-job. EPIC FAIL, ladies. I am mega behind on a job-job deadline because I took two and a half weeks off in sporadic ways through the month of May and I never got my head back into this project the way I would normally have my head in a project if I were working on it every day. Bad job, A. Bad job. Anywho, I am going home, because I have accomplished the animation of basically nothing for the last two hours.
Know when to quit, right girls? OK. You should really just leave running and get to Julia's she's no doubt being productive enough for the both of us. Happy WOYWW!
Know when to quit, right girls? OK. You should really just leave running and get to Julia's she's no doubt being productive enough for the both of us. Happy WOYWW!
Hey, your desk is busier than Julia's this week! Hope you get some rest!
good luck with your deadlines - hope you are asleep now (unless you're back up again, lol!)
Booo to work deadlines, they suck!
Happy 2nd WOYWW Anniversary, xx
PS - that's a lot of seeds on your desk ;-)
Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday. It's so lovely to be linked up with so many creative friends. Happy crafting.
A x
Hi hun
lets hope to-day is better some days things just dont work out, chin up chuck, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x
Nothing messes with creativity more than taking time away from what you are meant to be doing ...good luck with your dead lines
Adopt the phrase "Work in progress" as it covers a multitude of sins...
Hope your MOJO is soon all gogo.
Happy WOYWW...Thanks for sharing and have a great week,
Sarah at 12
Good luck with the work deadline! Hope you have a better day today!
I hope today is a better day:) Happy WOYWW birthday xx
Deadlines always stop me creating until it is the last hours - thats why I was finishing my Pif at 1.30am this morning lol - thanks for sharing and Happy WOYWW Anniversary
Happy 2nd WOYWW anniversary!
Hugs Marleen :-)
And a happy 2nd anniversary to you!
I’m making a special effort to get around everyone as it’s a special week this week.
Sounds like you’ve not had a good day, so get yourself home (well you obviously are by now) and get some sleep. A creative mind can’t be creative if it’s starved of sleep.
Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary and …………….
Happy Crafting!
I do work better when I am at the limit and then the adrenelin seems to flow but I think you should take a day off and stay in bed, recharge your batteries and then go go go.
As what you do hope today find you feeling a bit better and able to celebrate WOYWW Anniversary.
Happy 104th WOYWW - its great to see your workspace and 'meet' you through blogland
Happy Creating xx
Oh girlfriend, the price you pay...it was worth it though huh - th etime off and the booth at the show and all...and yes - get home, sleep and animate all over again another day.
I totally forgot to say 'Chia Seeds' huh? Looks like fish food from here!!
I hate deadlines cause I tend to procrastinate and not get much done till the last minute...I enjoy the stress I think! Happy #104-2nd Anniversay of WOYWW Thanks for sharing. Vickie
i hope you get to catch up on your work! i'm on vacation right now and have work to finish when i get back! have a happy WOYWW anniversary!
Don't have deadlines any more only ones for me as I retired last year. Best thing I did.
Happy WOYWW-versary
x Tricia
Yep work work deadlines suck! Actually sometimes crafty ones do too! Ha, ha....
Wishing you a happy 2nd WOYWW birthday...lots of hugs
Yuck to deadlines is what I say. I hope you get into the groove again and can finish it asap.
I have to ask about the Chia Seeds. Are they the seeds used in Chia pets? I know you have a deadline to fill so you don't have to answer, I will look it up online. This is why it takes me ages to get through the WOYWW blogroll, ha ha!
Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary!
Good luck with your "Job-Job" deadlines! I run my own daycare/preschool and lately I have been leaving all of my lesson plans until the last minute because I am so busy "Playing" and making cards!
Happy WOYWW I'm a litle late this week. Hugs Pam x
Happy WOYWW Anniversary.
Hope you got some sleep.
Hope this week is better for you!
Happy anniversary!
Lisa-Jane #75
Belated happy 104!! Hope you got your work finished, I have such trouble with deadlines.
oooh - eek! I hate deadlines, but find I always work better if I have one to stick to. Of course, that usually means that I'm working at midnight on the last day.... ROFL..... Happy WOYWW 104!
I hate deadlines also. They hamper my thinking but Happy WOYWW 104
Carol C
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