Friday, April 8, 2011

It's ALOHA FRIDAY, yo!!!!!! - Interwebs

(I got this, you got this)
Here are a few of my personal twitter updates (sent from my phone) from the last week or so:

This morning I virtually kiss the million little robots who run back and forth between me and the moon in their little hamster balls to make the World Wide Web happen here at the penthouse at 302 Court.

We released some new Love Bunnies yesterday! Brought to you by THE INTERNET!
Here's how you can color them fuzzy:

#1 - What's something you've learned on the internet?!

Over the course of the last week I've discovered that without the internet my most comfortable position is fetal, under the desk, where I muffle my sobs with a pillow.

#2 - What's something that picks you up and makes you laugh (even if you're muffling sobs)
on the internet?

Everyone tried to help with their suggestions. One of my besties admitted that she's one of those girls who only feels better when she shops. Luckily I have my crayons... but I thought I'd try it. That's when I realized that shopping IRL is LIMITING!!!!

#3 - Where do you love to shop in the virtual world?!

YESsssSIRRREEE BoB! We're back to the land of the living!!!

Celebrate with me and add your linky like you mean it!

#1 - Something you've learned on the WWW!
#2 - Something on the WWW that makes you laugh!
#3 - Where you love to shop

It's best to right click and save an image to your computer file first.
Link to a URL, not your blog!
Make sure you put the category # (1,2,3) and your name.
(No need to put your email addy.)
That's it! See...easy peasy.
Enter once, twice or thrice.


Amber Alvarez said...

OMG Loving these!
Yay Duchess!!!
OMG Shannan. I'm. At. A. Loss.
Amy - A+ Etsy forever!

Shannan Teubner said...

Bedazzled beef jerky underbritches...can't get any better than that!!